Friday, 4 March 2011

Slumdog millionaire .

Slumdog millionaire
Media Forms:
What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the film?
Well the beginning of the trailer , starts of with the names of several institutions , including Fox ,Warner Bros ,Selador films and Film 4 , whom are famous channels that the target market can relate to . Many films have been associated with big name companies therefore the market are more likely to watch the film . The magazine reviews etc are also very positive in that they give a sense of achievement towards the trailer itself , people who read it as well will be more intrigued to find out why this new film has come out .Furthermore its very unlikely that a trailer has been filmed in a deprived setting before , therefore a new setting being used causes question to be raised in the audiences mind such as , what is the life like there compared to our own ?. The countdown of the clock also connotes that time will run out in order to win the 20 million rupees . Therefore we want to know what questions are going to be asked , and the answers to them . The protagonist kissing the young lady , which can relate to the theme of love within the trailer and the film , we can also relate that to our own lives , when we are in a relationship around the ages of 15-18 . Hence why the trailer suits it teenage audience perfectly . One last thing is the non diagetic music that is used throughout the narrative , which helps to build up tension and suspense , which makes us want to see what shall happen next in this man’s journey . The music is also one that we don’t hear very often , therefore enticing us into a new culture of entertainment and music .
2. Media Representation:
How is ethnicity represented in this trailer?
Ethnicity is represented in several ways , firstly we see that the protagonist maybe from an Indian background, this is positively portrayed as he managed to win the million . The background behind the protagonist , has young children running through the slums ,which symbolises the hardship and poverty that they can go through just for some money here and there. However they seem happy to be running around which may denoted their freedom to do what they like . The title Slumdog Millionaire also symbolises the life that these people lead , however its juxtaposed with the riches of this one person who just got lucky , through knowledge of his journey .The journey itself is one of hardship for example the oil being poured into the young boys eyes in order to blind him . The name Jamal Malik also tells the audience that he is from an Asian background , therefore the audience is interested to see the portrayal of one of the largest ethnic group being presented in a positive way. Furthermore the Bollywood dancing is also represented in a way that make the audience happy and full of celebration . The juxtaposition of the slums against the dancing can create a sense that even if they are poor they can still have a good time with their life .
Media Audiences:
Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to watch the film?
The target audience is teenagers aged between 15-18 ,this is because there are certain elements that would not suit a younger target audience such as the oil being poured into the young boys eyes . However the film would suit older target market as well . The non diagetic music that is contrapuntal in the background , also draws the attention of the audience because , its not often that we hear new music . The quick cross cutting from scene to scene also manages to create excitement and confusion , which is ultimately the aim of such a trailer , as it raises questions in the audiences mind such as why will a young boy win so much money through a very difficult journey ? .The questions and answer options allows some audience interactivity as they can explore the options , and only through going to see the film will they be able to have their questions answered . The backlight and filler light in the beginning of the trailer that is reflected from the back of the protagonist manages to create suspense ,this will hold the audience in midway between wanting to find out what the commotion is all about . The whole trailer is very successful in stirring ,creating and holding unanswered questions , which can be all answered by going to see the film .

The trailer introduces the well respected and not well known institutions of fox searchlight and Warner Bros .The audience surely know of these institutions and will therefore be more likely to watch the film .Next point is that there are tremendous reviews by newspapers which strikes a point that the film is a must see . ‘Every moment in his life is a clue to the answers’ , in which on screen text is used . The Chicago Sun Times also stated that ‘Danny Boyles Slumdog Millionaire is a triumph’ this communicates that the director has achieved his goal of creating a ‘wow factor’ film . The interviews with the winner of the competition , makes the Jamal look very important and of a high status . The institutions are new and fresh therefore they are less likely to be successful in releasing a new film .Somehow this new film is successful and does manage to create a new era for the institutions themselves .

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Essay question - 3 media texts ... case study

"Audiences are no longer just consumers of texts, but producers too" - To what extent is this true of the media products in your case study?.
It is a well known fact that media forms can never exist on one platform , it will always exist on broadcast ,print and e-media .This is true for the case study that I have explored , in which I found out that Tom and Jerry ,Blue Peter and Drake and Josh , exist on all 3 platforms .
My case study is primarily focusing on Institutions of  the BBC ,Nickelodeon and Disney how they are regulated .I found out that from first primary text , that Tom and Jerry are broadcasted on the Disney channel ,have their own website, a Facebook fan page and  have their own DVD series out for people to buy . For my second text , Blue peter , they also have their own programme broadcast on BBC 1 , have their own website and you can even buy merchandise like their calendar (although online ) . For my third text Drake and Josh , I found out that they have their own website (nick website !) , broadcasted through Nickelodeon and have their own merchandise such as badges and t-shirts.
My first mini question for this essay is ... how much of a role do audiences have in contributing to media texts?
Well first of all the reference to Tom and Jerry , the audience is mainly targeted at children from social grading E , as it is a cartoon , however some elements such as the blackface gangs can be targeted at an older if not adult generation .Recently a person had complained about the use of blackface in an episode , therefore their comments were taken very seriously and now all produced cartoons can no longer have anything relating to blackface, have cigarettes as this somehow encouraged younger kids to think that it was acceptable to smoke .Secondly they have their own facebook fan page , which allows anyone to like or dislike an aspect, therefore other users can see the comments , maybe the producers look at those comments and inform Walt Disney of ways to improve their current production . The second text that I looked at was Blue Peter , and for them in particular they have competitions such as the recent one to design an emblem for the her majesty the Queens 60th year on the throne , and the winner will have that emblem produced . This is a way that children aged 6-12 from social grading E can take an active part in designing things that can easily be shown of on T.V .Another way that the BBC have managed to create audience interaction is through their CBBC website , there users can chat about the recent developments in the programme , and sometimes ask questions and have them answered by the  shows producers if they seem relevant enough . The third text is Drake and Josh , whose show has ended however sometimes Nickelodeon decide to put on special shows such as the x-mas for 2008 . The main actor himself is also a television producer and director , another way that the stars themselves land their own jobs within the filming industry .They do have their own website that includes regular updates and children can look at past episodes and chat about them .
My second question is to what extent do the websites fro my three texts appear accessible ?
The first website that I investigated is Blue Peter . The first thing that manages to strike out , is the typeface of the whole website , it looks user friendly and can easily be seen when you first see the website . It includes a lot of colour and animation which is what seems to be dragging the attention of the target market 6-12 year olds .Secondly the fonts used are quite rounded and look like bubble writing .The website is easy to navigate through , as a click of a button can transport you into games for example .The games listed such as keepy uppy appeal to those who are sports fans , especially to boys whom love the age old game of football . The competitions that the BBC hosts seem to be appropriate for their audience as well , such as the design of an emblem . This makes children want to get involved within the show to prove their worth .They can also create their own user name and password without having to supply personal details , this shows the extent to which the BBC take privacy of young children seriously. The virtual port is where the children can easily talk about the show and ask any questions that they may have .The second website is Drake and Josh , which can be accessed by clicking at the bottom of the scroll bar that goes across . Although the show no longer is broadcasted , there are still some episodes that can be seen online , or at special times of the year for example Christmas .The website seems to appeal more towards young girls that boys , however the protagonists are males therefore it could appeal to young boys as well .The colour of the website is yellow and orange which may not appeal to everyone’s tastes . Nickelodeon do have competitions that are regular , one which included meeting the cast of the programme itself . The third typeface seems to be facebook for tom and jerry and this seems to be the best way of interacting , alothough they do have their own website as well . The website seems to appeal to a large target market from all socio economic backgrounds . They seem to cater for everyone , by having past episodes , links to other websites etc.However they do not have a user name and log in which the other two websites do , which may seem to be a disadvantage . However there are extra things such as direct shopping online which the other two websites lack , this may be becasue of the ages targetted towards are not normally aloud to buy items online .


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Case study - intro paragraph

It is a well known fact that media forms can never exist on one platform , it will always exist on broadcast ,print and e-media .This is true for the case study that I have explored , in which I found out that Tom and Jerry ,Blue Peter and Drake and Josh , exist on all 3 platforms .
My case study is primarily focusing on Institutions of  the BBC ,Nickelodeon and Disney how they are regulated .I found out that from first primary text , that Tom and Jerry are broadcasted on the Disney channel ,have their own website,a facebook have their own DVD series out for people to buy . For my second text , Blue peter , they also have their own programme braodcast on bbc 1 , have their own website and you can even buy merchandie like their calender (although online ) . For my third text Drake and Josh , I found out that they have their own website (nick website !) , broadcasted through Nickelodeon and have their own merchandise such as bages and t-shirts .

Saturday, 12 February 2011

hyundai car advert :) Mr Unugur

Hyundai car Advert
What advertising techniques are being used?
There are a couple of advertising techniques that are being used in the Hyundai car advert . Firstly the audience can hear non diagetic sound that accompanies the point of view shot of the car . This makes the advert seem more realistic and grabs the audiences attention .Secondly voyeurism has been used , by placing an innocent baby into the car , and allowing them to drive it is symbolic of men and women coming together in order to produce children . A baby is also used because its not a typical thing that would be seen in a car advert , therefore the car itself is being suggested to suit families that have children .The advert has been banned in Australia , and this could be because the company used babies in the advert in a negative way . The car itself appears throughout the majority of the narrative , therefore suggesting that the brand Hyundai is important ,as it is the car that will be sold in the end ! . The simple sign saying ‘west coast ‘ may suggest that the baby and the car are going on a journey together , just like a normal family would go .The sign also highlights the direction that the car is going towards , which is the beach , a place where most families and perhaps couples would go , for a holiday . The voice over ‘ the next generation ‘ , has been used at the very end of the car advert suggesting that the person who buys it is part of the new generation .
Representation: How is gender represented in the advert?
The advert represents men , because throughout the narrative we see a grown man with a baby in the back of the man , the baby who drives the car is also a male , therefore suggesting that men are more dominant than women . But a small part of the advert does include a female baby whom is watching her hero on the wakeboard in the middle of the ocean , representing how strong and successful he is in three things : 1. Relationships , 2.driving a car 3.apperaing dominant . The sexual desire between the female and the male is shown when the female is smiling and giggling to the male whilst sitting on the bonnet of the car . This shows that females are weaker and fall in love quite quickly as opposed to men . The audience can see that they can look back at their own childhoods and relate the narrative of the car advert to themselves . The car represents a journey from A-B , just like a relationship between two people starts from one point and goes toward its final destination .
Audience-Who is the target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade the audience to this product ?
The target audience is very broad , in the range of 18-50 year olds , mainly suiting large families . This is because the car itself is quite large and therefore can accommodate families who have young children to look after .The advert aims to persuade you to buy the product because the car seems like a luxury to have , it silver therefore suggesting that it can appeal to many people whom like the colour . The voice over ‘ the next generation is here’ suggesting that the target market itself is ultimately the new and fresh generation . The institution is a newcomer suggesting that their adverts will also have a fresh appeal to its target audience , with clever ways to draw attention towards its target market . In the end of the advert the audience can see the brand logo , stating that the audience should go for this brand of car and not others . The car does seem reasonable in terms of pricing as it is simple in its design , not like the flash brand of cars such as BMW that would cost a lot more to buy . The people who would buy it would be those in the C grade category , background .
Institution – What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers
The Hyundai brand , is a fairly recent brand of car manufacturers , therefore the ideas and designs that are going to come out in the adverts will be suited more towards the younger generation (mid 20’s) audiences , as they are the people who have children to look after . Dominant ideologies are communicated by representing two babies that are blonde and from a British background . The car is shown in many different angles and shots , such as the one to do with the inside , suggesting that the car is spacious and lets families place their shopping /items without hassle , which is what most families are looking for in cars . A negative view of the advert is that alternative ideologies have not been shown , therefore the majority of the population of Britain has been left out , which could in the future lead to a drop in sales . The experience does seem quite good , although it only meets the basic needs of day to day life , therefore the car itself may not appeal to men who want a car that offers more such as brilliant sound quality from speakers , high levels of horsepower , an engine that holds a lot of petrol and can travel for very long distances . 

Friday, 11 February 2011


What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the film ?
Several successful techniques have been used  in order to persuade the target audience to see the film . At first the audience is shown a black man lying down with another man pointing a gun to his face , this automatically raises questions in the audiences mind , such as why is there a gun pointing to his face , whats the reason for it . These questions will obviously be answered later on as the audience watch the trailer . The clothing that the actors are wearing are mainly sporty and gangster like , which represent how much dominance  these gang members have . Secondly as the trailer continues ,its starts to become faster paced, using quick cutting and razor sharp edits in order to build up tension , and suspense . By slowly building up tension and suspense the target market are more likely to become engaged and therefore would go to the cinema to watch the full film . Alternative ideology is used with the protagonist whom is probably from a lower class background , and is out to seek revenge on the dominant British teenagers , who may have killed the protagonists girlfriend. The teenage audience could perhaps relate parts of the trailer to their own lives , and this means that they are more likely to watch the film . The title itself ‘Kidulthood’ in bold writing , captures the audiences attention as it provides a sharp contrast to knives , therefore foreshadowing that knives are a typical prop that gang members would use .The date march the 3rd makes the film seem nearby to go and watch , as the audience does not have to wait long before the film hits box offices . The use of flashing lights ring an instant reminds the audience of a thunder storm with lightning , connoting that danger will get them .
Media Representation
How is gender represented in this trailer ?
The trailer itself shows mainly teenage males whom are portrayed as gangsters , therefore predominately males are going to be typical of the whole narrative . Older teenage gangsters , seem to have the power to do as they like without being caught for it .However the British male and female seem to be the cause of all of the main problems for the protagonist whom seems like he is from a Caribbean background . The protagonist wants to get revenge because his girlfriend had been murdered by those’ yobs’ . Men love to watch films that include guns and knife crime , because they can sometimes relate it to themselves. Men are more powerful and dominating than women , as seen in the trailer , when the teenage boy come to slap the girl , she does nothing to retaliate .
What target audience would be attracted to this film?
The target audience for this trailer would be teenagers aged 16-18 from social demographic background E /D/C2 . This is because the whole trailer represents teenage men whom are growing up to become grown up adults later on in life . Some teenage girls may be attracted towards the film , because they may have had a relative who has been in a similar situation , and got themselves into a mess with guns and knives . The costumes worn by all the actors/actresses are cheap and tacky which connotes that they are from a poor background. The location seems quite run down , hence suggesting that the population of the people that live there there are involved in knife and gun crimes as well , and perhaps some murder here and there .

Friday, 28 January 2011

t-mobile advert :)

Media Forms : What conventions of advertising are evident in this text ?
Well , firstly the advert starts with the location of the advert , therefore the people whom took part within this process knew about the event. Secondly the cross cutting to the mobile phones , when people are taking pictures/videos is also advertising , that phones are a great way to get together and therefore having a contract or pay as you go phone is really cool . The music in the background that changes also seems , to suggest that having certain key functions ,like listening to different types of music on your phone is acceptable. People are represented in this advert , from different cultural backgrounds , therefore anyone can get a phone with T-Mobile . The company itself is advertising , through the use of the theme tune at the end , which means that people can associate themselves , with the company .The people whom are dancing , have been placed for a specific reason , they are dancers themselves ... they are trying to infect all the general public to join in and dance .Therefore suggesting that we should join the network T-Mobile . The train station is used as well suggesting , that this place is where most communication is made , and trains form interlinks with each other, suggesting that mobile phones and technology has moved quite fast .

How is technology represented in this advert ?
Technology does not seem to be too evident in the advert ,when the audience start to watch the advert , there are people dancing about . However as a series of cross cutting to the general public , using their phones seems to suggest that technology is important as it brings people together. There were hidden cameras about, which suggests that the people who are not aware of what is going on started to dance about , oblivious to the fact that everything was recorded . Further on in the advert , people seems to be calling each other , also suggesting that technology is easily accessible , even if it is just a phone that is being used  by one person . Furthermore, the general public represent technology , they are the consumers of technology . As more people join to dance , they represent what communication is all about .

What is communicated about the T-Mobile brand and the experience it offers?

There are several things that are communicated about the t-mobile brand , firstly that the institution behind T-Mobile , would like people to join the phone company , secondly for more experience T-Mobile signals can now communicate with the same signal as from orange , therefore if people loose reception to one signal they can easily switch to another signal . The experience that it offers people , is to communicate with one another , and for people to get together and have a bit of fun .The brand appeals to a large target market from all class backgrounds ( A-E). Anyone can join the network , t-mobile has therefore advertised, themselves in a successful way by promoting people within their advert . The train station, seems to be the best place to film an advert as this is the time where most people commute, and is quite busy therefore the attention of the general public will be caught , and they will start to experience what a phone brand is all about .

What target audience are T-Mobile aiming to attract in this advertisement?
The target audience that T-Mobile are attracting are those from working class –upper class backgrounds , and maybe teenagers as well . Sometimes the tariffs for a contract can be a bit high , therefore teenagers may want to get a PAYG or a SIM only contract .The advert itself is targeting an older audience as no teenagers seem to appear , and that could be due to the location . The ethnic backgrounds of the audience seem to positively portrayed , therefore anyone can join .

Monday, 17 January 2011

Lynx Dry Advert

How does the text follow the codes and convention of an advert?
Well firstly the advert starts of with a man being dragged by a rope - this shows the audience that this product is very important to buy ! , its the best product a man can get . Woman are shows to be very sexual by the whole dragging of the rope, which grabs the attention of the target market audience which is men , maybe woman if they wanted to by the product for their boyfriends .Secondly the close up of the product shows how much importance and value the institution places , which is a relatively , fresh new company name Unilever , the target market is mainly teens to adult (40 years) .

RepresentationHow are people and places represented in this advert?
Well firstly the advert shows a guy walking up a normal street , with music playing in the background this emphasises that the protagonist (male ) is who the product is aimed at .Secondly the use of the two mermaids as sexual object (voyerism) shows that woman can be portrayed to to be very powerful and attracted to the opposite sex very easily .Which is sometimes not true .
The use of an old car in the advert also shows , us , how wild people can become , and that some people are very easily drawn into a product , using simple mind trickery and clever objects .
The sea side theme works really well because its not often , that instituitons get their message across , secondly most people associate a beach with holidays therefore the advert itself become interesting to watch .

AudienceWhat techniques does the advert use to appeal to it’s target audience?
The use of non diagetic sound in the background , will catch the target markets audience because they can associate the cry with mermaids.
The product being shown twice will attract a man to buy it becasue a man uses anti-perspirant quite a lot , and they may want to change the current one that they have. The words 'irresistable to woman' also causes a naive man to go buy the product , as they may think that smelling good will attract them to woman .

InstitutionWhat does this text tell us about the media institutions involved?
The advert itself does not make it obvious tha the company is unilever , however if a person has bought the product then they automatically can check the can itslef to see that the instituion is unilever .The instition is relatively new , therefore their ideas are quite fresh , and demanding good money from people .Their advertisement techniques have made lynx a very popular brand , therefore many people will start to talk about the product to their friends (viral marketing technique) .

Friday, 14 January 2011

The Sun newspaper - textual analysis

1. Media forms : How does the advert use codes and conventions to appeal to its audience ?
Firstly the music in the background is rather plain and simple , which immeditely grabs the audiences attention , as most people could identify themselves with reader a newspaper like the sun in the morning . People want to get to work quickly therefore the pace at which the advert goes is rather fast , as most of the parts such as the hand movement and gestures across the paper itself suggests , that its easy to read and that you can get all the news just by bying the paper itself ... which costs 20p . The narrator's voice is rather overpowering but get the message across ' this is the must have accessory ' , it may be just a simple paper to buy , but a person watching the advert on t.v would think ... that the news could be delivered easily and simply to them , just by reading it in the morning . The advert seems to mimick the ipad effect by using words like ' no need for turning to see the screen ' , which clearly the ipad/ipod does .... the advert makes people think twice about buying expensive items that there really is no need for . Best in news ...another iconography that has double layers . Firstly news can come in a vareity of forms , by using the the word 'best' the company immediately makes themself seem like the best . Pictures that are being used , such as famous celebrities , for example Rihanna , would easily attract a female target group as some young teenage girls 15-18 band love listening to her music , and seeing her onscreen and in the newspaper will make the girls seem more likely to buy it , rather than going to another paper .

2. How is new technology represented in the advertisement ?
Firsly the text at the end of the advert states the sun 4.0 which can directly link back to the internet . The fact that the pen is used to reperesent a pointing device on any ipad/iphone could directly market for the apple company therefore people, can see this advert and directly link the use of mobile technology to a simple newspaper . The use of the word 'no hidden charges ' could be making fun of the hidden charges that the conglomerates such as t-mobile and Virgin can sometimes do to people . People will not be decieved by the hidden charges that apply to a newspaper , as its just simple money ! . The use of digitalisation in the advert by portraying the famous musician Simon Cowell with the word 3D , seems to link back to how much people within the advertisement industry rely on 3D graphics to enhance , the images that are place . Almost as if the world is full of perfectionists , which its not . Simple print has been around for a long frame of time , before computers even came into force , therefore the Sun Advert seems to hint that newspapers will never out-do modern technology , no matter how hard we try , writing and print will stay .

3. Media Instituiton - What does the advertisement tell you about the values and ideologies of the Sun Newspaper ?
First of all that print will not be out done by the digital world , secondly that the digital world relies heavily on print in order to bring into force the billions of papers that are produced day in day out . It caters for the C2-E class of people , which predominately targets the unemplyed to middle class , hence those people are the main target audience that the Sun Newspaper wants to sell itself to . The second thing that is done successfully is that pictures are used which portray the media world , also the emphasis of the different sections of the paper such as sport ... will appear to those people who mainly are athletic , or perhaps those that are sports scientists and want to learn a little bit more about the different football clubs or perhaps who has just suffered and injury . Mainly for some education of sport , but also about mainstream news that is compatible and easy to read . The use of the words 'THIS' makes people more likely to identify this advert with the simple paper that can be picked up in the morning . Viral Marketing is being used successfully as people who do not know about the advert , could be told about the advert through friends family etc and more people would be likely to see the advert . Identify themselves with the advert and then go out and buy it . The hand that seems to hover around the paper, represents how easy a paper like the sun is to buy . The paper and advert seems to cater for both genders therefore we will not feel left out .The institutuional context seems to be , portrayed throughout the narration and through the simple flicking of the paper itself ... therefore placing emphasis that a newspaper is very simply the best thing that can be bought .

4. How does the advertisement appeal to its audience ?
If an advert like the sun newspaper was to be seen by UK audiences then simply every person , could start to buy it . Secondly that the audience can relate everyday life , like sports to themselves,music ,art , sudoku etc ... this is a successful way in which to promote the business of the sun , and also to grab the attention of the wroking class audience . As most peoples day to day life can relate back to the different counterparts of the paper itself . So if a person like to read about artists news they can do that , if they like listening to music on there phone , whilst doing the sudoku paper they can do that too .If men love erotic images then Rihanna portrays that too . Also that the paper itself can be recyled puts an importance of how easy it is to destruct life if you do not recly your paper , therefore geographically and naturally aware people , can commit themselves to an easy habit of placing the paper in the reclcling bin ! , instead of throwing away a good amount of paper in the black refuse sack ! .The audience whom could range from about age group 15 -30 , could start to pick up new interests that they may not have had before , such as music and fantasy lives of celebrities ... and how they can be like that one day too . Many stars seem to be portrayed but also the media can place negativities by the invasion of privacy, of normal stars , as information that we do not want to know will be leaked out and sent around very quickly , therefor some people may think twice before they want to become super stars . However if people do become successfull they can do so by working alongside the Sun as a company althou they may not be world famous.