Friday, 28 January 2011

t-mobile advert :)

Media Forms : What conventions of advertising are evident in this text ?
Well , firstly the advert starts with the location of the advert , therefore the people whom took part within this process knew about the event. Secondly the cross cutting to the mobile phones , when people are taking pictures/videos is also advertising , that phones are a great way to get together and therefore having a contract or pay as you go phone is really cool . The music in the background that changes also seems , to suggest that having certain key functions ,like listening to different types of music on your phone is acceptable. People are represented in this advert , from different cultural backgrounds , therefore anyone can get a phone with T-Mobile . The company itself is advertising , through the use of the theme tune at the end , which means that people can associate themselves , with the company .The people whom are dancing , have been placed for a specific reason , they are dancers themselves ... they are trying to infect all the general public to join in and dance .Therefore suggesting that we should join the network T-Mobile . The train station is used as well suggesting , that this place is where most communication is made , and trains form interlinks with each other, suggesting that mobile phones and technology has moved quite fast .

How is technology represented in this advert ?
Technology does not seem to be too evident in the advert ,when the audience start to watch the advert , there are people dancing about . However as a series of cross cutting to the general public , using their phones seems to suggest that technology is important as it brings people together. There were hidden cameras about, which suggests that the people who are not aware of what is going on started to dance about , oblivious to the fact that everything was recorded . Further on in the advert , people seems to be calling each other , also suggesting that technology is easily accessible , even if it is just a phone that is being used  by one person . Furthermore, the general public represent technology , they are the consumers of technology . As more people join to dance , they represent what communication is all about .

What is communicated about the T-Mobile brand and the experience it offers?

There are several things that are communicated about the t-mobile brand , firstly that the institution behind T-Mobile , would like people to join the phone company , secondly for more experience T-Mobile signals can now communicate with the same signal as from orange , therefore if people loose reception to one signal they can easily switch to another signal . The experience that it offers people , is to communicate with one another , and for people to get together and have a bit of fun .The brand appeals to a large target market from all class backgrounds ( A-E). Anyone can join the network , t-mobile has therefore advertised, themselves in a successful way by promoting people within their advert . The train station, seems to be the best place to film an advert as this is the time where most people commute, and is quite busy therefore the attention of the general public will be caught , and they will start to experience what a phone brand is all about .

What target audience are T-Mobile aiming to attract in this advertisement?
The target audience that T-Mobile are attracting are those from working class –upper class backgrounds , and maybe teenagers as well . Sometimes the tariffs for a contract can be a bit high , therefore teenagers may want to get a PAYG or a SIM only contract .The advert itself is targeting an older audience as no teenagers seem to appear , and that could be due to the location . The ethnic backgrounds of the audience seem to positively portrayed , therefore anyone can join .

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