Saturday, 30 October 2010

Media Conference summary of notes

Chewing gum for the brain :
This conference was about how mislead people are into the media , and how the education system in Britain views media as a subject of negative perspective .
Firstly a projection of our much loved favourite idiot Homer Simpson is said to represent Media studies as a subject for those who are not 'clever' enough when it comes to subjects such as maths and science . People often are mislead yet again by crazy news reports about how media graduates can not get a job , they only end up becoming clerks or cooks .Yet again this places misjudgement into our heads as we become worried over whether Media Studies is regarded as a serious subject . Even Universities such as the London School of Economics have completely rejected media studies as a subject for those applying to that University ... the university Admin staff state that its a sh*t subject . Even stating that its a pseudo science ! .

To be honest this is not the case .....
Frank and Queenie Leavis were the first people to place an importance toward Media Studies through advertisements .... and we see to many of those these days to make us fall asleep in front of the T.V ! .

If no-one knows what Facebook and Twitter are then they need to do some quick research ! , these two giants have revolutionised the way in which we keep in contact with what is around us ( our environment) ...from music ,television ,chatting .... to posting pictures of places and people . They are both forms of what we call web 2.0 .
Yet again the BBC news states the negativity of Facebook and Twitter by broadcasting that it is a dangerous website for young people (11-18) to be on , as people posing as others could easily mislead us ! ..... true if your that dumb to talk to people you do not know ! .

Convergence is the media ! so whats all this madness behind people who state that media  is a so called fake subject ! . Without it we are not here in the 21st century .... but perhaps the days when there was no such thing as internet,television,radio,computers,gaming ,software management etc .....

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